Leadership Real Estate Gifts

by Dennis Bidwell September 2012 Let’s assume you are revising your gift acceptance policies and procedures to clarify which types of real estate gifts your organization will accept, and to streamline your process for handling them, including a donor-friendly approach to gift screening and due diligence. And let’s assume you’ve figured out the profile of … Read more…

Case Study: Real Estate-Funded Charitable Gift Annuities at Kendal Retirement Communities

by Dennis Bidwell September 2012 Take-aways from these gift scenarios: Real estate-funded CGAs are attractive to many property owners wary of variable CRT payouts.  Also, the relative simplicity of a CGA contract, compared to a lawyer-intensive CRT document, is appealing to many donors. Many residents of non-profit retirement communities continue to own property—often a vacation home—long … Read more…